But rather than send this one back, too, I threw in the towel. And that reminds me that I need to do laundry. But anyway, it's a nice piece. And it's rather large, too. It's even larger than Sideshow's "A New Hope" version of Princess Leia. It's more, what's the word? Robust? Sure. I'd put them side by side, but I don't really feel like moving right now so you'll have to take my word for it.
The force pike isn't removable, but it does come in separate pieces. The skirt or loincloth or whatever you want to call it is real cloth. And it can be moved. I believe there's a flexible wire inside. So, say, if you want to pretend that Leia's in a wind tunnel, feel free. Have a blast. The chain, too, is real, as is her top's strap, unlike the Gentle Giant version's painted on strap.
Hm, what else? Oh, it's fragile. There's a bit of obviousness for you. But if you didn't realize that, perhaps I've saved you a bit of heartbreak. I would imagine it's pretty hard to glue back together. I wouldn't want to tackle such a task, anyway.
So, there you have it: Sideshow's Slave Leia Premium Format statue. Hm, I have more pictures I need to show. And to show them aesthetically, I need to write more! Lets see. Oh, um. Never mind. What I had in mind to say was much too boring and not relevant to the topic.
I like wearing pajamas. OK, that wasn't on topic, but I thought it was worth mentioning. Well, back to topic. I have way too many Slave Leia items. Some might consider that pathetic. I admit that it is, so I beat you to the punch. Take that! I don't like the term "fanboy." Besides, to be one of those you have to consider George Lucas a god. I most assuredly don't. I find his recent work rather bad.
I need one more paragraph! Hm. Wind tunnels remind me of funnels. I've never had a funnel cake. Are they good? I do like marble cake, though. Fruit cakes, however, are a blight on mankind and produce.
I find it incredibly hard to format these pictures in a pleasing manner. Oh well. I tried.