Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Lightsaber Project

A number of months ago ... actually, over a year, wait. A long time ago in ... Ahem. A while ago I decided to build my own lightsaber. I had very little to do, apparently. Anyway, I'm one of the only Sith lords in my neighborhood now. I can almost assure you of that. I've included a step by step presentation of the incredibly detailed and mind numbingly stunning work I accomplished.

Mind you, I didn't create the parts myself. I bought prefabricated lightsaber parts from an online dealer. The actual tube is a Heiland camera flash attachment. I know at least one person that would be incredibly dismayed that I butchered such an antique. But I did and I have no regrets.

No amount of chrome polish could help improve its condition, though it is a lot more shiny now. I attribute the scratches to battle scarring.

Anyway, at least I put it together myself. And I painted the parts a darker black. I even put together my own acrylic display case. I cut and painted my own base. Remember that I once mentioned that I put together a model of a Mustang that ended disastrously? This project ended somewhat less disastrously. Anyway, the final results look good from a distance. In dim light.

And I, of course, only take my lightsaber out to defend helpless victims of interplanetary villains. Sometimes I even use it to artfully trim shrubbery. Just the other day I made the most aesthetically pleasing representation of a flamingo. Really. It looks wonderful surrounded by... I'm sorry, that was an outright lie. In fact, I don't even like flamingoes.


  1. You're the only sith lord in your neighborhood!!! A hoo!!

  2. Antique butchery: the horror, the horror!
